Housing Completions
Since 2012, the number of houses has risen significantly, increasing from an average of 5,000 per year between 2012
Who is considering whom?
The chart below shows how current voters of different stripes are considering other parties.
It reveals a number of different
A rural backlash against the green party?
Inspired by the ever-insightful Colin Murphy I wanted to understand how the decline in support for the Green Party was
Polling accuracy in the 2024 European elections
I'd normally refrain from this sort of 'accuracy' analysis because in reality polls and outcomes can
2024 Election polling day poll
Use: Free to use with attribution of 'Ireland Thinks'. Or sign up for any updates if you'
EU Election undecideds update
There is no doubt that a large section of population remains undecided even at this late stage.
The table below