1. Omnibus Poll
The cost for the first question to be included in our monthly omnibus poll is €800 plus VAT. Second and subsequent questions are available at a discount rate of €450 plus VAT. This is a highly competitive rate, and taken together with our approach to methodology and fast turnaround time, represents significant value.
2. Rapid Polling
We work with many organisations who are engaged in public affairs, and appreciate the time constraints and pressure surrounding the media cycle.This quick turnaround time is very useful, particularly in the event of an ongoing controversy, crisis or active campaign. Our rapid poll can be turned around within 24 hours on request with a cost of €2000 + VAT for the first question and €900 + VAT for each additional question.
3. Ad Testing
We can also show the panel a short video or specific material and get them to respond to that material. Or indeed we can A/B test different materials.
The cost for a videopoll question is €1,200 plus VAT per question.
4. In-Depth Interviews
We also offer a service of conducting in-depth interviews with panellists. One can target a specific subset of the population to understand those views in greater detail. We typically conduct a series of face-to-face interviews and three-way interviews taking advantage online technology to mitigate against the limitations of focus groups. The cost for a series of a set of 10 focus interviews €4,000 + VAT. In addition to the initial qualitative poll the overall cost is €6,000 + VAT.
5. Cluster Segmentation Analysis (OR 'Tribe Analysis')
This is a popular offering and involves a analysis identifying the key segments in the population. It involves using a statistical technique known as cluster analysis to segment the population into a small number of homogenous groups. One needs 10 polling questions and we can then conduct a k-means cluster analysis with varimax rotation to identify the homogenous groups for a further €2,200 plus VAT.
6. Membership surveys
We also conduct surveys for clients of their members. We employ tactics to minimise response bias through weighting and other survey strategies to elicit answers to key research questions that clients have.
7. Predictive Modelling
We can deploy our skills in predictive modelling with datasets. Our experience ranges from predicting ticket sales, to horse races to criminal activity. We often use our polls and/or your data to develop models to determine target marketing campaigns.
8. Conjoint Features Analysis
A conjoint analysis is a method for comparing a series of combinations of features in order to understand the value works by asking the respondents (public or customer base) to directly compare a series of combinations of features (e.g Cost vs Speed) of products from which a regression analysis can then determine the relative importance of each feature €2,500 +VAT