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The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Photo by Nati Melnychuk / Unsplash

Here follows the details on the Sunday Independent/Ireland Thinks poll on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Firstly, there is a majority in favour of a European Defence Agreement. This is consistent with previous data from the Eurobarometer series. It is highest among older people, supporters of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael and people on the highest incomes.

This is in contrast to our result in relation to support for membership of NATO. While this has increased by 3% since January support for joining NATO remains in the minority.

While this change feels slow in response to the current crisis it is however the case that a narrow majority believe the original concept of neutrality to be out of date.

That said, there remains a significant majority in favour of Ireland remaining militarily neutral in the current conflict. This non-militaristic interventionism is the most consistent feature of Irish foreign policy.

A lack of enthusiasm for intervention is clear when we press the public on the potential consequences of direct involvement in the conflict. The vast majority are opposed to intervention when the prospect of nuclear war is highlighted.

This does not mean that the Irish public is opposed to involvement. Rather, the Irish public is quite happy to withstand increases in the cost of living (even at a time when this is the biggest concern of the public) in order to address the crisis.

Indeed the preferred response among the public is to respond in a non-military fashion. While it is also clear that very few do not want Ireland to be involved at all.

This is also true of the Irish response to the prospect of Ukrainian refugees for which the Irish public is particularly welcoming.

This incorporates a significant share of the population open to welcoming Ukrainians into their homes.

Finally, the majority are also in favour of expelling the Russian Ambassador.